Air Freshener For...




Dog People- Grassy Dog Park Scent

But you're used to that, right? In fact, if I had to guess I'd say your dog is probably sitting in the tub with you right now. Not that I blame you. My dog Charlie is tucked in bed with me right now. And we're wearing matching dog bone jammies.

Shit Shows - Fireball Shots Scented 

Know what stinks? Not you! Now that you have your very own candle air freshener to haul around with you, people will quit pinching their noses and running for the hills. Hopefully. You still have to occasionally bathe, you know.

Namaste- Calming Lavender Scented 

Cat People- Warm Milk Scent

Double-sided full-color air freshener measures 3 1/2″ x 3″ H; comes with nylon hanging cord